



从 2021-04-21 到 2021-05-20


17:56 错误 #306 (反馈): 采购入库单,当入库仓库伟非良品仓库时,不参与强制刷新仓库逻辑
1. 背景:目前UPS订单,在进行采购入库时,打开界面、保存按钮、提交按钮,都会强制刷新仓库为上海UPS仓库
2. 新增需求如下,当采购入库单仓库=002,退换货不良品仓时,不参与强制刷新逻辑
Dwan Fan


21:39 功能 #296 (新建): The script performance for getting Order StatusandSearchNonWebOrder
We still see there are few customer its taking long response time calling the nonwebOrder endpoint .
Here is the...
Robert Zhang
13:51 功能 #257 (已解决): Add Method to Retrieve "OrderHistory" by CFWEBID
鑫 王


21:35 功能 #288 (新建): IP 邮箱问题
!digikey0429-ip.png! Robert Zhang
21:33 功能 #287 (新建): webservice 登录接口部分情况下,存在响应时间非常慢,查下原因,优先级高
!login source! Robert Zhang


18:09 功能 #279 (新建): importbill (export questions) - create sales order - cleanup
importbill (export questions) - create sales order - cleanup
Kingdee has Old export questions and new export que...
Robert Zhang
17:53 错误 #278 (新建): unable to submit an order by credit account - customer synch issue between Kindee and mydk
unable to submit an order by credit account - customer synch issue between Kindee and mydk
Scenario: Set a cu...
Robert Zhang
17:31 错误 #277 (新建): 确认2个文件的作用 - 删除dump 日志
The volume has been expanded (I added 50% additional space). The Kingdee team should take a look at the files in:
Robert Zhang

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