



从 2021-01-24 到 2021-02-22


22:11 功能 #196 (US Feedback): JDB order history is not available - Steve
Hi Robert,

The Kingdee NonWebOrderService is taking a long time (over 40 seconds) for KD ID 278187 in PROD. ...
Robert Zhang
22:03 功能 #195 (US Feedback): Add ManufactureName field in the OrderInfo - Kiran
Based on the Front Website requirement, we would like you to add ManufactureName (i.e Supplier Name) field for each p... Robert Zhang


21:20 错误 #188: PROD - Customer Sync - Kiran
HTTPS 变更的接口 Robert Zhang
15:40 错误 #188: PROD - Customer Sync - Kiran
Hi Robert,

We observed that customer sync payload is populating the Province Name instead of Provide Code in ...
Robert Zhang
15:39 错误 #188 (US Feedback): PROD - Customer Sync - Kiran
Hi Robert,

In some case customer sync payload is not populating addresses province as highlighted below. Can...
Robert Zhang
15:50 错误 #194 (US Feedback): 金蝶系统问题-金蝶主数据名称取值 Customer names were changed without reason
Robert Zhang
15:49 错误 #193 (US Feedback): The script performence for getting Order Status
Robert Zhang
15:48 错误 #192 (US Feedback): move_file_to_process(1.01) (rh-kd-app-prd-a): file system root_vg-home_lv has 100% used.
Hi Yaowen,

Yes , agree with you .

Adam copy this file from Apasic logs . we need to analysis this file, so ...
Robert Zhang
15:44 错误 #191 (进行中): EDI850 - Import EDI850 files to EAS Manually
Hi Robert,

Here is a sample EDI850 file. You would need to replace the highlighted number with a KD Customer...
Robert Zhang
15:42 错误 #190 (US Feedback): EAS supplier reference# in UPS model - Steve
Hi Robert,
Could you help to put bellow tag info coming from EDI 856 onto the “供应商参考号” / supply reference No in re...
Robert Zhang
15:42 错误 #189 (已解决): Kingdee services are down in PROD, can you please look into it ASAP?
上周五EAS宕机后,老外认为这个事情很严重,让我们找下根本原因。 我把您的话转述给美国了,美国要我们提交顺丰导入的源代码给他们分析。

Robert Zhang
15:36 错误 #187 (已解决): KD Username/PW Reset
Hi Robert,

Not a rush by any means, but would you mind changing my Username and PW for KD DEV, TEST, and PROD...
Robert Zhang


16:11 功能 #184 (已解决): shopping cart2.0
shopping cart2.0 Dwan Fan

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