



从 2020-07-07 到 2020-08-05


09:02 功能 #73 (已关闭): part id is not coming back from the Kingdee API
Robert, Raj has asked me to get the ball rolling on this. Currently for the Review Order page for the creation of pa... Dwan Fan


10:54 错误 #72 (US Feedback): Mark modified data from Web order PDF onto SO in EAS
Hi Robert,

Can you please make sure the KD True Id is also included in the DEV Customer Synch call? I forgo...
Robert Zhang


15:27 功能 #36 (反馈): 电子签章开发
电子签章开发目前暂停 Dwan Fan


16:42 功能 #52 (已关闭): web order 上带过来的地址 和 EAS 里面的客户主数据作对比,如果不一致 就在SO上 标识出来
与64号问题重复,将52号问题关闭 Dwan Fan
15:41 功能 #64: 07-Mark modified data from Web order PDF onto SO in EAS
增加界面调整需求 Dwan Fan
15:38 功能 #10: 供应链单据备注空运或陆运信息开发
已更新最新需求。 Dwan Fan
15:32 功能 #24 (进行中): 已审核的采购收货单可以修改CIQ,并反写到物料主档信息(CIQ in receiving note update onto part masterdata.)
Dwan Fan
14:19 功能 #24 (反馈): 已审核的采购收货单可以修改CIQ,并反写到物料主档信息(CIQ in receiving note update onto part masterdata.)
Dwan Fan
14:20 功能 #54 (反馈): a Province Code instead of the Province Name in the Address fields during the loading the loading of the orders and customers into Kingdee;add the KD Customer True ID to the Customer Sync to WCS service request
Dwan Fan
14:19 功能 #16 (反馈): 客户主档信息反写需求
Dwan Fan
14:19 功能 #19 (反馈): 增加应收账款管理账龄分析模块
Dwan Fan
14:18 功能 #23 (反馈): 有备货业务,直接由采购订单下推生成采购收货单,再由采购收货单下推生成采购入库单;销售订单下推生成发货通知单,再从发货通知单下推生成销售出库单;下销售订单时能查询出哪些有库存备货的,哪些没有库存
Dwan Fan
14:18 功能 #26 (反馈): 增加仓位管理,希望能以仓位来核算成本
Dwan Fan


11:02 功能 #64 (进行中): 07-Mark modified data from Web order PDF onto SO in EAS
Dwan Fan


15:21 功能 #64 (US Feedback): 07-Mark modified data from Web order PDF onto SO in EAS

Hi Robert,

Can you please provide estimates for these enhancements?

Robert Zhang

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