



从 2023-08-22 到 2023-09-20


12:43 错误 #681 (新建): DKSH: Migrate the order status end point
liuliguo liuliguo
12:42 错误 #680 (新建): DKSH: Research Migrate the order status end point
liuliguo liuliguo
12:38 错误 #679 (新建): DKSH: Implement Migrate order info end point
liuliguo liuliguo


14:25 错误 #678 (新建): Research Inventory Discrepancy API Information
liuliguo liuliguo


21:06 错误 #677 (新建): 答复: SO autofling 开关
Hi Frank,
对SO autofiling 要增加一个开关的功能,当SO autofling 开关关闭时,订单导入后不做SO autofiling,开关开启后对新导入的SO 可以做autofiling, 开关关闭期间新导...
liuliguo liuliguo
11:21 错误 #676 (新建): Re: Bank Details Not Updating in V2
liuliguo liuliguo
11:11 错误 #675 (新建): UPS orders SF couldn't print express label
liuliguo liuliguo
11:01 错误 #674 (新建): RE: PO PO2023031785 DigiKey SO 81764606 [#24492565]
liuliguo liuliguo
10:42 错误 #673 (新建): RE: Backup of log in Database
航信URL接口的日志达到1.7亿,影响系统的效率,沟通yaowen进行数据库的备份和清理 liuliguo liuliguo


16:47 错误 #672 (新建): DKSH: Research Migrate order info end point
liuliguo liuliguo
16:45 错误 #671 (新建): DKSH : Digital Invoice - Update Order Confirmation PDF
The purpose of this story is to capture the work required to update the Order Confirmation PDF so that it meets requi... liuliguo liuliguo


13:47 错误 #670 (新建): FW: 回复: 开票对账事宜---广州兴森快捷电路科技有限公司
liuliguo liuliguo


11:01 功能 #669 (新建): 修改订单返回模板
Update to use new logo
Change "电话" to "手机" (Change from "Phone" to "Mobile Phone") - NON MVP
Change "发票地址" to "...
陆燕龙 陆


13:11 错误 #668 (新建): RE: #667:答复: 8月全电票全面启用
liuliguo liuliguo
13:10 错误 #667: 答复: #649:答复: 8月全电票全面启用
2. SO/PO autofiling 条件变更
C,F 这2个条件变更为“如果是空值,则无法做SO autofiling,即只要有值就满足条件C,F”
I,J,K 这3个条件从SO autofiling上移除,同时I,J,K 这...
liuliguo liuliguo
10:47 错误 #667 (新建): 答复: #649:答复: 8月全电票全面启用
liuliguo liuliguo


17:01 错误 #666 (新建): Autofiling 0831 需求变更
liuliguo liuliguo
15:07 错误 #665 (新建): Not Receiving Inventory Discrepancy Emails
liuliguo liuliguo
15:00 错误 #664 (新建): 单已审核未生成应收的金额
liuliguo liuliguo
14:38 错误 #663 (新建): ATDUS本来应该是7/21,现在变成7/22
liuliguo liuliguo
12:54 错误 #662 (新建): PO PO2023031785 DigiKey SO 81764606 [#24492565]
liuliguo liuliguo
12:28 错误 #661 (新建): Additional information not show in SO
liuliguo liuliguo
12:19 错误 #660 (新建): RE: 最近KD主数据里的“助记码”无法自动带到SO上
liuliguo liuliguo


10:27 错误 #659 (新建): DKUS - Add New Attributes for Chinese Address in PO Approval
Add these as Optional attributes, Publish the attributes in Ka...
liuliguo liuliguo


12:00 错误 #658 (新建): 金蝶PROD环境 采购订单库存查询功能移除
liuliguo liuliguo


11:00 错误 #657 (新建): Trimming the WindecId in Kingdee EAS Database
As part of the PBI, we would like to perform the following task
Research all the windecId customer ID which has spa...
liuliguo liuliguo
10:56 错误 #656 (新建): DKSH : ShipReleasemethod for Shipmethod

As part of the PO approval request, we would like you to populate the below element to handle the backorder ship me...
liuliguo liuliguo

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