



从 2023-03-04 到 2023-04-02


13:52 错误 #603 (新建): change VATInvSent to vatInvSent
Change VATInvSent to vatInvSent for the order status liuliguo liuliguo
13:49 错误 #602 (新建): Change order status logic to make vatinvsent as the last status
Change order status logic to make vatinvsent as the last status and the cancelled status only for cancelled SO liuliguo liuliguo


21:17 错误 #601 (新建): 退款申请单新增需求
liuliguo liuliguo
16:33 错误 #600 (新建): Production Export Country Issue
liuliguo liuliguo
16:25 错误 #599 (新建): RE: Data Sources for Auto Filing Attributes
liuliguo liuliguo
16:19 错误 #598 (新建): 订单数据导入缺失
liuliguo liuliguo
16:03 错误 #597 (新建): Clarification of Shipping Address displayed in Windecs
Hi Frank/Draco,
While checking the shipping address in windecs after PO approval we are getting displayed with shi...
liuliguo liuliguo
16:01 错误 #596 (新建): RE: Order Status Enhancement
i Frank,
Thanks for sending this information. Would you be able to provide further details about what conditions m...
liuliguo liuliguo
15:46 错误 #595 (新建): 486343-Changes in Kingdee API Response
This PBI is used to change all the open API response payload
Ship label
Import bill
Create C...
liuliguo liuliguo
12:20 错误 #594 (新建): 答复: 发货通知单 模板内容更新
liuliguo liuliguo

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