



从 2021-04-14 到 2021-05-13


09:33 工时汇报 #297 (已解决): city in delivery address is in Chinese instead of phonetic letters
鑫 王


17:56 工时汇报 #298 (已解决): Shipping carrier
正式环境根据附件eacel中的客户,调用update customer Profile接口 鑫 王
17:47 工时汇报 #297 (已解决): city in delivery address is in Chinese instead of phonetic letters
There are a couple of cases that the city in delivery address is in Chinese instead of phonetic letters on PO as belo... 鑫 王


14:08 错误 #272 (已解决): Please create user account in EAS TEST
Katherine Ma
14:00 Digi-Key Issue Tracking List 支持 #283 (已解决): 增加用户账号物料审核和反审核权限
Katherine Ma


21:39 Digi-Key Requirement 功能 #296 (新建): The script performance for getting Order StatusandSearchNonWebOrder
We still see there are few customer its taking long response time calling the nonwebOrder endpoint .
Here is the...
Robert Zhang
16:36 错误 #295 (已解决): Unable to Set Up Customer Credit Account in KD TEST
Katherine Ma
16:34 错误 #295 (已解决): Unable to Set Up Customer Credit Account in KD TEST
Tia的账号的权限,他反映没权限做信用的审核from email 4/7:
We ran into this error today when trying to set up a customer credit account i...
Katherine Ma
13:51 Digi-Key Requirement 功能 #257 (已解决): Add Method to Retrieve "OrderHistory" by CFWEBID
鑫 王
13:46 功能 #260 (已解决): Re: KD Salesorder Search Enhancement - exclude '-'(hiphen) from string
鑫 王
13:45 支持 #281 (进行中): 客户采购订单审核调用接口提示firstname lastname不能为空(偶发)
鑫 王
13:44 Digi-Key Issue Tracking List 错误 #284 (已解决): WEB7879244_A_A-地址导入出错
鑫 王
13:43 错误 #286 (已解决): EMS tracking url
鑫 王
13:39 Digi-Key Issue Tracking List 错误 #285 (已解决): 修改邮件内容。
鑫 王
13:38 错误 #289 (已解决): 订单在网站上的发货信息这里显示发票寄送地址,请帮忙确认一下EAS中的改状态文字信息是否正确
鑫 王
13:38 工时汇报 #294 (已解决): New Enhancement - Call "PO Approval" Customer Endpoint During KD Customer Approval
鑫 王
10:28 工时汇报 #294 (已解决): New Enhancement - Call "PO Approval" Customer Endpoint During KD Customer Approval
看下Updatecustomer profile service是什么情况下被触发 鑫 王
13:38 支持 #293 (已解决): The script performance for getting OrderStatusandSearchNonWebOrder
鑫 王
09:44 支持 #293 (已解决): The script performance for getting OrderStatusandSearchNonWebOrder
We still see there are few customer its taking long response time calling the nonwebOrder endpoint .
鑫 王
13:38 支持 #292 (已解决): login Service Performance
鑫 王
09:40 支持 #292 (已解决): login Service Performance
It is timing out intermittently and issues is not consistent , it hard simulate...
鑫 王
13:37 支持 #291 (已解决): 批量更改销售员
鑫 王
13:36 支持 #290 (已解决): UPS Springboard Share-n-Learn
鑫 王


12:27 支持 #291 (已解决): 批量更改销售员
这个是客户的需求,请在EAS 中批量修改:客户数据中的销售员从EXCEL文件中KD_ID这个sheet的W列改为A,并且只是修改您在X列有写日期的数据,数据更改的日期以X列的为准。

Note: 5/1的变更可以在4/3...
鑫 王
12:24 支持 #290 (已解决): UPS Springboard Share-n-Learn

1. 简称内含有UPS信息的删除。
2. Ship Carrie 将目前的UPS改成FUSEN(有小部分原本就是FUSEN的,继续保持不变)。谢谢!
鑫 王


09:39 错误 #289 (已解决): 订单在网站上的发货信息这里显示发票寄送地址,请帮忙确认一下EAS中的改状态文字信息是否正确
鑫 王


21:35 Digi-Key Requirement 功能 #288 (新建): IP 邮箱问题
!digikey0429-ip.png! Robert Zhang
21:33 Digi-Key Requirement 功能 #287 (新建): webservice 登录接口部分情况下,存在响应时间非常慢,查下原因,优先级高
!login source! Robert Zhang
16:38 错误 #286 (已解决): EMS tracking url
Hi Frank,
由于EMS屏蔽了url 直接查询物流跟踪状态的访问,导致之前的url (image001.pnghttps://www.ems.com.cn/mailtracking/you_jian_cha_xun.html?...
陆燕龙 陆


16:22 Digi-Key Issue Tracking List 错误 #285 (已解决): 修改邮件内容。
修改邮件内容。修改格式见附件 鑫 王


16:31 Digi-Key Issue Tracking List 错误 #284 (已解决): WEB7879244_A_A-地址导入出错
补货订单WEB7879244_A_A 有一个奇怪的问题,订单WEB7879244,WEB7879244_A 和 265033(杭州睿立)的发货地址都是 “浙江省杭州市江干区临丁路699号东部软件城5幢5519室”,但是补货订单WEB7... 鑫 王
14:15 Digi-Key Issue Tracking List 支持 #283: 增加用户账号物料审核和反审核权限
Katherine Ma
14:14 Digi-Key Issue Tracking List 支持 #283 (已解决): 增加用户账号物料审核和反审核权限
在正式环境增加breely.yang lucas.wang 这两个账号物料审核和反审核权限 Katherine Ma


09:48 支持 #282 (新建): 关闭2019年的测试用服务器,合计2个
关闭2019年的测试用服务器,合计2个 Katherine Ma


18:41 支持 #281 (已解决): 客户采购订单审核调用接口提示firstname lastname不能为空(偶发)
客户在采购订单点击提交提示firstname lastname不能为空,之后又点了一次提交,单据自动审核了,触发了接口调用,记录下了错误的调用日志。但是单据审核了。(偶发) 鑫 王
11:23 错误 #280: unable to submit an order by credit account
Hi Draco,
All 4 of these MyDK Users are attached to KD ID 288128 in TEST MyD...
liuliguo liuliguo
11:21 错误 #280 (新建): unable to submit an order by credit account
liuliguo liuliguo


18:09 Digi-Key Requirement 功能 #279 (新建): importbill (export questions) - create sales order - cleanup
importbill (export questions) - create sales order - cleanup
Kingdee has Old export questions and new export que...
Robert Zhang
17:53 Digi-Key Requirement 错误 #278 (新建): unable to submit an order by credit account - customer synch issue between Kindee and mydk
unable to submit an order by credit account - customer synch issue between Kindee and mydk
Scenario: Set a cu...
Robert Zhang
17:31 Digi-Key Requirement 错误 #277 (新建): 确认2个文件的作用 - 删除dump 日志
The volume has been expanded (I added 50% additional space). The Kingdee team should take a look at the files in:
Robert Zhang
13:22 错误 #276: 航信发票异常
liuliguo liuliguo


08:24 错误 #276 (已解决): 航信发票异常
陆燕龙 陆


16:01 错误 #276 (已解决): 航信发票异常
liuliguo liuliguo
12:20 错误 #275 (新建): UPS - Unable to Update PO2021019990 (WinDECS INV80213660) to Shipment Status = 1
"updatestatus": {
"ponumber": "PO2019049341",
"invoiceId": 7088...
Katherine Ma
09:42 Digi-Key Issue Tracking List 错误 #273 (已解决): 修改用户Michael WONG使用部分功能权限之客户查看的功能权限,辅导客户用户权限调整
Katherine Ma


15:21 支持 #274 (新建): 数据修改问题
Katherine Ma
14:00 Digi-Key Issue Tracking List 错误 #273: 修改用户Michael WONG使用部分功能权限之客户查看的功能权限,辅导客户用户权限调整
liuliguo liuliguo
13:58 Digi-Key Issue Tracking List 错误 #273 (已解决): 修改用户Michael WONG使用部分功能权限之客户查看的功能权限,辅导客户用户权限调整
修改用户Michael WONG使用部分功能权限之客户查看的功能权限,辅导客户用户权限调整.
liuliguo liuliguo
13:06 错误 #272 (已解决): Please create user account in EAS TEST

Hi Robert and Dwan,

Would you please set up the following with user accounts in KD TEST environment and let th...
liuliguo liuliguo
10:02 Digi-Key Requirement 功能 #257 (进行中): Add Method to Retrieve "OrderHistory" by CFWEBID
liuliguo liuliguo
10:01 Digi-Key Requirement 功能 #257: Add Method to Retrieve "OrderHistory" by CFWEBID
人天美国已确认,请安排人力开发。 liuliguo liuliguo
09:55 错误 #266 (已解决): 答复: Digi-Key 发货通知:WEB1011614869227369
陆燕龙 陆
09:54 错误 #267 (已解决): 电子发票平台地址变更
陆燕龙 陆
09:29 错误 #271 (新建): importBill Sale Order import interface improvement
US and My-DK is doing the cleanup action for the interface,Raj and Steve want to know which attribute sent from US is... liuliguo liuliguo
09:23 错误 #270 (新建): Sunset of Kingdee old server
Kingdee should shutdown the application in old Server. liuliguo liuliguo


10:19 错误 #267 (已解决): 电子发票平台地址变更
Hi Fanjie,
今天爱信诺通知我们现在的电子发票平台地址变更。 这会影响到EAS后台获取电子发票的访问路径,请帮忙更新新的电子发票服务平台地址,新的地址如...
liuliguo liuliguo
08:02 功能 #260 (进行中): Re: KD Salesorder Search Enhancement - exclude '-'(hiphen) from string
开发进行中 陆燕龙 陆
08:01 Digi-Key Requirement 功能 #257 (反馈): Add Method to Retrieve "OrderHistory" by CFWEBID
已评估工作量,等待确认 陆燕龙 陆
08:01 Digi-Key Requirement 错误 #251 (已解决): 反馈是否有引用美国提供的工具包及相关接口
陆燕龙 陆

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