



从 2021-01-06 到 2021-02-04


21:20 Digi-Key Requirement 错误 #188: PROD - Customer Sync - Kiran
HTTPS 变更的接口 Robert Zhang
15:40 Digi-Key Requirement 错误 #188: PROD - Customer Sync - Kiran
Hi Robert,

We observed that customer sync payload is populating the Province Name instead of Provide Code in ...
Robert Zhang
15:39 Digi-Key Requirement 错误 #188 (US Feedback): PROD - Customer Sync - Kiran
Hi Robert,

In some case customer sync payload is not populating addresses province as highlighted below. Can...
Robert Zhang
15:50 Digi-Key Requirement 错误 #194 (US Feedback): 金蝶系统问题-金蝶主数据名称取值 Customer names were changed without reason
Robert Zhang
15:49 Digi-Key Requirement 错误 #193 (US Feedback): The script performence for getting Order Status
Robert Zhang
15:48 Digi-Key Requirement 错误 #192 (US Feedback): move_file_to_process(1.01) (rh-kd-app-prd-a): file system root_vg-home_lv has 100% used.
Hi Yaowen,

Yes , agree with you .

Adam copy this file from Apasic logs . we need to analysis this file, so ...
Robert Zhang
15:44 Digi-Key Requirement 错误 #191 (进行中): EDI850 - Import EDI850 files to EAS Manually
Hi Robert,

Here is a sample EDI850 file. You would need to replace the highlighted number with a KD Customer...
Robert Zhang
15:42 Digi-Key Requirement 错误 #190 (US Feedback): EAS supplier reference# in UPS model - Steve
Hi Robert,
Could you help to put bellow tag info coming from EDI 856 onto the “供应商参考号” / supply reference No in re...
Robert Zhang
15:42 Digi-Key Requirement 错误 #189 (已解决): Kingdee services are down in PROD, can you please look into it ASAP?
上周五EAS宕机后,老外认为这个事情很严重,让我们找下根本原因。 我把您的话转述给美国了,美国要我们提交顺丰导入的源代码给他们分析。

Robert Zhang
15:36 Digi-Key Requirement 错误 #187 (已解决): KD Username/PW Reset
Hi Robert,

Not a rush by any means, but would you mind changing my Username and PW for KD DEV, TEST, and PROD...
Robert Zhang


18:53 Digi-Key Issue Tracking List 错误 #185: SO订单进入EAS后没有带出物流联系人和财务联系人。
梁长德 梁
17:00 Digi-Key Issue Tracking List 错误 #185: SO订单进入EAS后没有带出物流联系人和财务联系人。

BTW,On web order view page . The phone No and recipient information are also lost in customer's shipping and invoic...
梁长德 梁
16:59 Digi-Key Issue Tracking List 错误 #185 (US Feedback): SO订单进入EAS后没有带出物流联系人和财务联系人。
most customer orders miss Cellphone No for Logistic, Business and Finance Contact in Sales Order .Although these cell... 梁长德 梁


20:04 Digi-Key Issue Tracking List 错误 #180 (已解决): 采购入库单,入库仓库取值不对
梁长德 梁


16:11 Digi-Key Requirement 功能 #184 (已解决): shopping cart2.0
shopping cart2.0 Dwan Fan


12:49 Digi-Key Issue Tracking List 功能 #183 (已解决): 采购收货单上“供应商参考号”在UPS里的形式需求
EAS supplier reference in UPS mode
梁长德 梁
11:53 Digi-Key Issue Tracking List 错误 #182: 采购入库点击审核的时候系统卡住了,再次点击审核就报错超过可收数量,查了库存1件是已经入库了
梁长德 梁
11:46 Digi-Key Issue Tracking List 错误 #182 (已解决): 采购入库点击审核的时候系统卡住了,再次点击审核就报错超过可收数量,查了库存1件是已经入库了
梁长德 梁


10:00 Digi-Key Issue Tracking List 错误 #181 (已解决): SO下发报错,导致微信已支付 1011610955015515 订单不存在
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"><soap:Body><importBill>
梁长德 梁


17:40 错误 #168 (进行中): SO订单 页签信息 结算方式选择acount 时,对应业务类型应为赊销 下推 应收单上业务类型则显示为现销
历史数据已修复,问题待检查 梁长德 梁
17:39 Digi-Key Issue Tracking List 功能 #165 (进行中): 深圳顺丰相关账号在金蝶中权限修改
权限配置没有问题,采购入库单推式生成发货通知单时报没有权限的错,需要交由开发后台查看问题 梁长德 梁
16:39 Digi-Key Issue Tracking List 错误 #161 (已关闭): 采购发货单上物料基础资料中“原产地”字段信息取值有误
梁长德 梁
16:39 Digi-Key Requirement 错误 #158 (已解决): UPS补充需求
梁长德 梁
16:39 Digi-Key Issue Tracking List 功能 #156 (已解决): UPS项目上线急需KD优先修复/优化栏目汇总
梁长德 梁
16:38 错误 #170 (已解决): 支付宝账单商户订单号的编号变长了,导致从支付宝微信下载的收款单无法导入EAS生成应收单,
梁长德 梁
16:38 Digi-Key Requirement 错误 #171 (已解决): Invoke the customer web service
梁长德 梁
16:38 Digi-Key Requirement 错误 #175 (已解决): Query to Retrieve VAT Customer Information from Kingdee for NextGen Cart Project
from steve email 2020/12/23 梁长德 梁
16:36 Digi-Key Requirement 错误 #173 (已解决): CIQ Flags not getting set in KingDee Master Part table
Hello All,
I think I found the problem. It is in the daily update scripts. The file was never updated correctly si...
梁长德 梁
10:10 Digi-Key Issue Tracking List 错误 #180 (已解决): 采购入库单,入库仓库取值不对
梁长德 梁


11:51 Digi-Key Issue Tracking List 错误 #179 (已解决): 金蝶导入的现货和期货订单上的预计装运日期都为2021-1-12,无法即时更新
梁长德 梁
11:46 Digi-Key Issue Tracking List 错误 #178 (已解决): 金蝶客户主数据取值问题
发现多个金蝶名称被篡改的情况,有可能客户在网站编辑过信息,反写到金蝶后,金蝶名称就显示个人了。金蝶的主数据名称抓取错误导致金蝶SO内信息无法按照公司名称搜索出来,主数据也无法显示公司名称。客户主数据的客户名称被莫名改为个人名称,另外现... 梁长德 梁
10:05 Digi-Key Issue Tracking List 错误 #176 (已解决): Case detail for #26-UPSNo
Dwan Fan


20:00 Digi-Key Issue Tracking List 错误 #176 (已解决): Case detail for #26-UPSNo
Here is an order from the KD Test environment that has a UPS Shipment Track # in the upsNo field. (They always start... 梁长德 梁
17:09 Digi-Key Requirement 错误 #175 (US Feedback): Query to Retrieve VAT Customer Information from Kingdee for NextGen Cart Project
Hi Robert,

Below is a sample payload we use to create customers in Kingdee. For many existing registered custome...
Dwan Fan
13:53 Digi-Key Requirement 功能 #174 (已解决): 配合US正式环境切换,制定切换计划、整理切换内容
配合US正式环境切换,制定切换计划、整理切换内容 Dwan Fan
13:52 Digi-Key Requirement 错误 #173 (已解决): CIQ Flags not getting set in KingDee Master Part table
I think we need to trace the data flow to see if this flag is set and carried on all the way to the LSA database.
Dwan Fan
13:50 Digi-Key Requirement 错误 #172 (已解决): 配合US正式环境切换,测试现有eas全部流程、配合US测试接口流程
配合US正式环境切换,测试现有eas全部流程、配合US测试接口流程 Dwan Fan
13:48 Digi-Key Requirement 错误 #171: Invoke the customer web service

Hi Lanlin and Robert,

We are trying to test that the Update WinDECS Customer ID service (UWCI) is being called...
Dwan Fan
13:47 Digi-Key Requirement 错误 #171 (已解决): Invoke the customer web service
协助US测试接口 Dwan Fan


14:29 错误 #170 (已解决): 支付宝账单商户订单号的编号变长了,导致从支付宝微信下载的收款单无法导入EAS生成应收单,
梁长德 梁
10:56 Digi-Key Requirement 错误 #148 (已解决): UPS Delivery Notification Email--Update contents
梁长德 梁
10:47 Digi-Key Issue Tracking List 错误 #33 (已解决): 生成的采购收货单PUI2020023301的仓库自动选择错误,目前Ship Carrier为UPS时,明细分录中的仓库是深圳商品仓库。
梁长德 梁
10:12 Digi-Key Requirement 错误 #35 (已解决): 财务确认勾选有问题
梁长德 梁
10:12 Digi-Key Issue Tracking List 错误 #57 (已解决): 批量提交收货单,物料名称是杂费的收货单会报错
梁长德 梁
10:11 Digi-Key Issue Tracking List 功能 #69 (已解决): Order Discrepancy - KD has 115 Line Items and WinDECS has 114 Line Items
梁长德 梁
10:11 Digi-Key Issue Tracking List 错误 #79 (已解决): WinDECS Salesorder 538976288 is not in a valid state
梁长德 梁
10:10 Digi-Key Requirement 功能 #87 (已解决): KD DEV Permissions
梁长德 梁
10:10 Digi-Key Requirement 错误 #100 (已解决): Province and City not showing in Kingdee TEST
梁长德 梁
10:10 Digi-Key Requirement 错误 #129 (已解决): duplicate EDI 810 notification(test)
梁长德 梁
10:09 Digi-Key Requirement 错误 #140 (已解决): invoke the customer web service - DRACO please test
梁长德 梁
10:09 Digi-Key Requirement 错误 #146 (已解决): Kingdee Import Order EJB Errors
梁长德 梁
10:09 Digi-Key Requirement 错误 #154 (已解决): [Not Started]Order Notes coming as text “null” instead of null during PO Approval call , Raj has a made code change to support both formats
梁长德 梁
10:08 Digi-Key Issue Tracking List 错误 #83 (已解决): 金蝶物料号和WINDECS物料号不同,导致采购收货单自动生成失败
梁长德 梁
10:07 Digi-Key Issue Tracking List 错误 #85 (已解决): customer name in English missed on customer profile in EAS
梁长德 梁
10:07 错误 #119 (已解决): 税务ID和行业描述的映射问题,SO mapping issues with Tax ID and Industry Description
梁长德 梁
10:07 Digi-Key Issue Tracking List 错误 #127 (已解决): KD DEV License Expiring
梁长德 梁
10:06 Digi-Key Issue Tracking List 错误 #133 (已解决): Order missing in SearchNonWebOrderList
梁长德 梁
10:06 Digi-Key Issue Tracking List 错误 #135 (已解决): 新功能上线问题处理
梁长德 梁
10:05 Digi-Key Requirement 错误 #136 (已解决): My Digi-key order list interface address
梁长德 梁
10:05 错误 #137 (已解决): 修改采购入库单中仓库信息
梁长德 梁
10:05 Digi-Key Requirement 错误 #143 (已解决): 发货通知单增加查询框
梁长德 梁
10:04 Digi-Key Requirement 错误 #145 (已解决): 订单确认邮件修改
梁长德 梁
10:04 错误 #150 (已解决): 带有杂费列PO下推报错处理
梁长德 梁
10:03 Digi-Key Issue Tracking List 错误 #152 (已解决): 销售订单保存、提交、删除按钮位置需要调整
梁长德 梁
10:03 Digi-Key Issue Tracking List 错误 #153 (已解决): PO单拉式新增采购收货单后,提交报错
梁长德 梁
10:03 Digi-Key Issue Tracking List 支持 #159 (已解决): EDI850 file update testing
梁长德 梁
10:02 功能 #163 (已解决): 大学客户资料对应销售员信息按表格刷新
梁长德 梁
10:02 支持 #164 (已解决): 系统上线的接口问题排查
梁长德 梁
10:01 Digi-Key Requirement 支持 #167 (已解决): 顺丰接口路由查询历史数据清理及程序优化
梁长德 梁
09:34 Digi-Key Requirement 错误 #169 (已解决): 2021-1-11 伟杰科技(苏州)有限公司 新账号异常
梁长德 梁


17:37 错误 #168 (已解决): SO订单 页签信息 结算方式选择acount 时,对应业务类型应为赊销 下推 应收单上业务类型则显示为现销
除解决上述问题外,同时希望可以把提供表格中的历史数据 AR对应应收单里的销售类型现为现销都需要刷成赊销 梁长德 梁
14:58 Digi-Key Requirement 支持 #167 (已解决): 顺丰接口路由查询历史数据清理及程序优化

梁长德 梁
10:50 Digi-Key Issue Tracking List 错误 #166 (新建): SO审核后更改需要重新信用客户解锁的问题
梁长德 梁
10:48 Digi-Key Issue Tracking List 功能 #165 (已解决): 深圳顺丰相关账号在金蝶中权限修改
梁长德 梁
10:40 支持 #164 (已解决): 系统上线的接口问题排查
1月8日系统上线的接口出现一些问题,进行排查解决处理 梁长德 梁


14:26 功能 #163: 大学客户资料对应销售员信息按表格刷新
梁长德 梁
14:19 功能 #163 (已解决): 大学客户资料对应销售员信息按表格刷新
更新客户资料中对应销售员信息 梁长德 梁


20:14 错误 #162 (已解决): SO单基础页签输入“顺丰运输”字段信息,物料明细以及下推PO单均未带出,以及希望在采购收货单序时簿增加“顺丰运输”筛选条件
1、SO销售订单界面 上面页签顺丰运输字段输入信息后,物料明细中顺丰运输字段信息未带出。
梁长德 梁
19:41 Digi-Key Issue Tracking List 错误 #161 (已关闭): 采购发货单上物料基础资料中“原产地”字段信息取值有误
梁长德 梁
16:39 Digi-Key Issue Tracking List 错误 #160 (已解决): Order Notes coming as text “null”
Adam Wang
16:34 Digi-Key Issue Tracking List 错误 #160: Order Notes coming as text “null”
I found that the value of "ordernotes" is obtained from "company information" in customer information. Now, the value... Adam Wang
16:34 Digi-Key Issue Tracking List 错误 #160: Order Notes coming as text “null”
This issue is with PO approval process and here the url Adam Wang
16:32 Digi-Key Issue Tracking List 错误 #160: Order Notes coming as text “null”

"login": {
"username": "kingdee",
"password": "kingdee...
Adam Wang
16:31 Digi-Key Issue Tracking List 错误 #160: Order Notes coming as text “null”
ISA*00* *00* *ZZ*DKCHINA *12*2186816674 *201216*1823*U*00401*100207833*0*P*^~ GS*PO*DKCHINA*2186816674*20201216*0000*... Adam Wang
16:31 Digi-Key Issue Tracking List 错误 #160 (已解决): Order Notes coming as text “null”
• 12/10 : Kingdee PROD patch is stable after small fixes, working as expected
n Order Notes coming as text “null” i...
Adam Wang


16:28 Digi-Key Issue Tracking List 支持 #159 (已解决): EDI850 file update testing
Here is a sample EDI850 file. You would need to replace the highlighted number with a KD Customer ID for testing:
梁长德 梁

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