


功能 #225

Robert Zhang 更新于 超过 3 年 之前

 为什么单价上会多0.01, 这个查下客户提供的单据反馈下原因 

 Hi Draco, 


 I checked the math on the total in the order for WEB1011611379823163. 


 All of the extended prices add up to the "Total" : 16050.02. 


 What amount was loaded into KD for this order? 


 We might need Robert to confirm how the total order is calculated in KD.    Maybe they are ignoring all of the extended prices we send, and redoing the calculations of Quantity * Unit Price in Kingdee. 


 Can you provide the original extended prices for each line item in that order in Kingdee, so we can narrow down where the discrepancy happened? 




 We are sending only extended price item level and not sending total order price to kingdee, may be it is rounding issue in kingdee? 

 Hi Steve, 


 As pre discussion, the payment amount in DKSH account has 0.01 RMB Yuan less than order amount on web order, by far there is 2 case we got this week, it seems pricing has rounding issue. Could you help to look into. BTW,The payment amount for this 2 order has been corrected for order processing. This issue is added into tracking file as item #43,Thanks. 




