


Robert Zhang 的活动

从 2021-03-06 到 2021-04-04


18:18 Digi-Key Requirement 功能 #257 (已解决): Add Method to Retrieve "OrderHistory" by CFWEBID

Robert Zhang


13:38 Digi-Key Requirement 功能 #196: JDB order history is not available - Steve
价格限制查询3年内的 Robert Zhang
13:33 Digi-Key Requirement 错误 #238: New Enhancement - Call "PO Approval" Customer Endpoint During KD Customer Approval
美国已经同意开发 Robert Zhang
13:25 Digi-Key Requirement 错误 #251 (进行中): 反馈是否有引用美国提供的工具包及相关接口
未解决 Robert Zhang


21:43 Digi-Key Requirement 错误 #251 (已解决): 反馈是否有引用美国提供的工具包及相关接口
Robert Zhang
21:40 Digi-Key Requirement 错误 #250 (已解决): 大家本周测试下美国网速反馈给我 https://www.speedtest.net/
大家测试下美国连接的网速,然后至少测试3次,命名 张波-1.png 统一反馈到frank
Robert Zhang
16:27 Digi-Key Requirement 功能 #248 (反馈): KD Salesorder Search Enhancement - exclude '-'(hiphen) from string
抓紧开发 Robert Zhang


22:14 Digi-Key Requirement 错误 #238 (已解决): New Enhancement - Call "PO Approval" Customer Endpoint During KD Customer Approval
Hi Robert,

As we discussed, please have your team provide a high level estimate for the effort to add a call ...
Robert Zhang
17:14 Digi-Key Requirement 错误 #237 (反馈): Gather all the SOAP and RESTful service endpointsof DKUS being invoked from Kingdee EAS
DKUS working to migrate to DKTASK.Middleware to DKTASK.MOSAIC endpoint as an improvement and reduce technical debt.
Robert Zhang


23:41 Digi-Key Requirement 错误 #201: RE: UPS - Unable to Update PO2021007161 (WinDECS INV78734079) to Shipment Status = 1 (DKUSWsFacadeControllerBean)
Here few request payload failing with same errors, please look into this

Robert Zhang
23:41 Digi-Key Requirement 错误 #201 (进行中): RE: UPS - Unable to Update PO2021007161 (WinDECS INV78734079) to Shipment Status = 1 (DKUSWsFacadeControllerBean)

Is your team researching this issue? I believe these problems will delay the processing of customer ...
Robert Zhang


00:08 Digi-Key Requirement 错误 #213: KD Salesorder Search Enhancement
如果在eas的列表页中增加这个filter, 评估下人天发出来 Robert Zhang
00:01 Digi-Key Requirement 错误 #227 (US Feedback): UPS - Modify Kingdee ship carrier based on EDI response
UPS - Modify Kingdee ship carrier based on EDI response
Robert Zhang


17:34 Digi-Key Requirement 功能 #206 (US Feedback): Populate Unique X-Digikey-AuditTransactionId kingdeecustomerProfile endpoint - Kiran
Robert Zhang
17:34 Digi-Key Requirement 功能 #206: Populate Unique X-Digikey-AuditTransactionId kingdeecustomerProfile endpoint - Kiran
已经发布测试环境,待测试。 Robert Zhang
01:28 Digi-Key Requirement 错误 #226 (US Feedback): RE: 271668 账期客户 网站提交订单 无法选择账期结算方式 Steve
查看转发邮件 Robert Zhang
01:25 Digi-Key Requirement 功能 #225 (已解决): rounding issue on order pricing

为什么单价上会多0.01, 这个查下客户提供的单据反馈下原因
Hi Draco,

I checked the math on the total in the order for WEB10116113798...
Robert Zhang
01:06 Digi-Key Requirement 错误 #213 (进行中): KD Salesorder Search Enhancement
Robert Zhang
01:06 Digi-Key Requirement 错误 #213: KD Salesorder Search Enhancement
1, EAS 销售订单查询界面自动替换中杠
2, web订单导入eas时自动去掉中杠
Robert Zhang
00:50 Digi-Key Requirement 功能 #224 (US Feedback): Email Security Appliance changeout. - Mahender

Starting this Saturday, the network team will begin work on transitioni...
Robert Zhang


17:50 Digi-Key Requirement 功能 #200 (已关闭): Customer Creation Mobile number issue
US 返回已经验证成功 Robert Zhang
17:49 Digi-Key Requirement 功能 #196 (已解决): JDB order history is not available - Steve
陆反馈已解决 Robert Zhang
17:48 Digi-Key Requirement 功能 #195 (US Feedback): Add ManufactureName field in the OrderInfo - Kiran
Robert Zhang
17:48 Digi-Key Requirement 错误 #194 (US Feedback): 金蝶系统问题-金蝶主数据名称取值 Customer names were changed without reason
陆反馈解决了。 Robert Zhang
17:39 Digi-Key Requirement 错误 #193 (US Feedback): The script performence for getting Order Status
Robert Zhang
17:35 Digi-Key Requirement 错误 #190 (US Feedback): EAS supplier reference# in UPS model - Steve
Robert Zhang
17:35 Digi-Key Requirement 错误 #189 (进行中): Kingdee services are down in PROD, can you please look into it ASAP?
Robert Zhang
17:30 Digi-Key Requirement 错误 #188 (US Feedback): PROD - Customer Sync - Kiran
Robert Zhang
01:12 Digi-Key Requirement 错误 #215 (已解决): Production Issue with Customer Sync MyDKC - KingDee EAS - Kiran Kolavi
Hi Steve,

I do not think DKSH team has promoted any fix for below issue in the Production.
FYI: Based on...
Robert Zhang
01:11 Digi-Key Requirement 错误 #214 (已解决): rounding issue on order pricing - Steve Fouts
Hi Robert and Kiran,

Can you please help me understand the calculation logic for each system?

Robert Zhang

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